Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Drama, Knitting and Crocheting

Hello my friends.  It's been a long time since I wrote a blog post.  I hope everyone is having a great start to the soon to be summer season?  I was going to write earlier about a situation that made me upset and sad.  I personally experienced the effects of reverse discrimination.  But, it was a blessing in disguise and it made me even stronger.  Enough said.

Life around here has been hectic.  My husband and I sold two of our investment properties and although we found a buyer right away, the closings have been a nightmare.  We were suppose to be in Turkey starting last month but of course that didn't happen.  All is well now.

Now, to my most beloved hobby; knitting and crocheting.  Here are some of the things I've been working on.

Last year when I went to my knitting retreat, I discovered this lovely yarn by Dale Garn Erle.  I received two skeins plus matching beads from my dear daughter and family for Christmas.  You can find all the info here on my Ravelry page. I am quite pleased the way it came out but never again will I knit with this "fuzzy" yarn.  I made up the border myself since that was not in the pattern. I received the lovely orchid pictured above from my dear daughter and family for Mother's Day.
Here's my current project; a scarf I'm knitting.  It's a popular pattern and I bought the yarn on discount at Webs. I adjusted the size according to the yarn I bought.  It's a delightful pattern and a no brainer to knit.  Behind, is the lovely vase of roses I received from my son for Mother's Day.  They lasted over 10 days!

Right now, I have two projects; the scarf above and this shawl.  The yarn was given to me as a Mother's Day gift from my son and his fiance'.  It's a soft,easy to use yarn however the color changes are quite abrupt. 

As you can see above, I've gotten a bit further along on this pattern.  I did cut the yarn in a couple of places so that the color changes match the actual pattern row.  It's a fun pattern to do since every row is different and then you repeat it all over.  If you are interested in this yarn, please take a look at Scheepjes Whirl.  It's more yardage and the color change is less abrupt.  Next time I plan to use Scheepjes Whirl and make the Edlothia shawl. 

 My little grandson was over to spend a couple of nights and he wanted a mandala for his room.  I made this free hand out of some Stylecraft DK yarn scraps.  It was fun to make up the pattern as I went along.  You should try it; you'd be amazed at what you can make.  Just make sure, you keep each row even with whatever pattern you make for that row.

I really want to finish the knitted scarf and crocheted shawl so that I can get started on this project.  It's going to be a little ruffled top for my little granddaughter.  You can find the info here.  I found this yarn on a blog site and I loved the way it makes its own pattern.  Again, lovely flowers from Mother's Day given to me by my son's fiance'.

I love reading your blogs and getting inspiration from everyone.  When I first started this blog, all my efforts were in sharing my happenings.  Now, I feel that has reversed as I enjoy reading your blogs more than I enjoy writing my own :)

We're suppose to have hot temps this Father's Day weekend.  Originally, we were off to Palm Springs but the temps there are suppose to be around 115 degrees which is way TOO hot for anyone!  So, we are staying home which will be more manageable in the 90's.  I'd love to hear from you and feel free to share what you've been working on if you wish.

With my best wishes,




  1. Lots of lovely projects. Too bad to hear of your travel plans having been disrupted but it seems that you are taking everything in stride. Could be because you keep to such a wonderful calming hobby.
    I've been gardening and gardening some more. But it is rainy here today and so here I am, enjoying a thorough visit through my reading list.
    Glad to have caught you here today,
    Enjoy the rest of your week,

  2. Some beautiful projects! Missed you blogging, sounds like you had a rough time for awhile, glad things have gotten better. Oh Palm Springs in the summer, no, no, no. We'd go out there in the winter and I'd think, I could live there, then I'd remember what summer was like.

  3. I love the scarf with the beads, it's quite stunning. Your knitting and crochet is beautiful xx

  4. Thanks for sharing your beautiful Mother's Day flowers and your wonderful stitching projects, Pat. The shawl is gorgeous! I have never tried to incorporate beads in a project. You have created a luminous cloud with the beads you used. I appreciate your frustration with fuzzy yarn. I love using Red Heart Unforgettable 100% acrylic, but I had trouble using it with a new crochet pattern. I made mistakes and had to frog rows three times and the fuzz snarls the yarn.
    I'm sorry you were discriminated against, but glad the Lord has strengthen you through the process, and I'm glad your property sales are sorted out.
    I plan to travel back and forth across the US this summer with my sisters and pray your travel plans and ours will bless others and us. xx

  5. Buying and selling properties is a nightmare I know, I have just managed to sell my Mums bungalow after it being on the market for a year and am now looking for a property myself, I thought it would be fun but it's not it's so stressful. I love that shawl it's amazing it looks so light and soft all your projects are great, what would we do without our knitting and crochet, have a great weekend. :) x

  6. Hi Pat, glad to see a post from you! I've been blogging less frequently lately, too - so much to do - so little time! It must be a relief to have the properties sold, finally. My daughter works in the title industry and she tells me tales of the frustration involved. Your knitting and crochet is absolutely stunning, as always. The lacy blue shawl is so beautiful and etheric, but I know how difficult it is to work with mohair-type yarns. Good for you for persevering and creating this lovely piece. The scarf is pretty and the mandala is wonderful. I just checked out a book from the library with directions for these and want to try one. Your gifted flowers are so nice and thoughtful. I used to live in Tucson and remember those incredibly hot temperatures. We are having the opposite here - very cool and cloudy - although the forecast is for a nice weekend in the 80's. We'll see.......I hope the rest of your summer is relaxing and filled with kindness. Hugs xo Karen

  7. What lovely projects. I love the blue shawl. You are an accomplished knitter.
    It's interesting to see the different yarns.
    By now you will have finished knitting your granddaughter's ruffle top. I bet it's gorgeous.
    Thanks for your lovely comments,
    Have a good week,
    Keep smiling,

  8. Lovely knitting and crochet! Great to read you :-)
    Have a nice day, Sigrid


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