Greetings everyone. I'm writing this on beautiful Saturday morning here in southern California. Our landscape has been refreshed from an overnight rain and it feels wonderful to see the sky dotted with clouds.
Easter is fast approaching and I again knitted some Easter bunnies for my little grandchildren.
Please meet Peter Rabbit and Cottontail. I made them from Stylecraft DK yarn that I had leftover from my numerous blanket projects. You can find the pattern and all info here on my Ravelry page. I was inspired to make these after seeing the delightful Peter Rabbit movie with my grandson.
I had the most fun embellishing their little outfits. The patterns are free so basically this project cost me nothing other than my time. My dear husband jokingly commented that instead of wasting my time knitting these little creatures I could have bought them for less than $5.00 each! But, if you're a crafter, you know that it's not the money but the fun in making something and seeing your rewards.
I joined The Handmade Sock Society and I'm still working on the first pattern. It's called Hellebore and I was so excited to see my Hellebore (Lenten Rose) blooming this year. I think it's a perfect match to my socks.

If you're a needlework person, I'm sure you've heard of Weldons Practical Needlework which was a popular Victorian needlework magazine. The scarf shown above is the Double Rose Leaf Pattern. I found the pattern* in my March/April 2016 edition of Piecework magazine. But wait. . . there's more! I knew this pattern was featured in Weldon's Practical Needlework magazine but it also was featured in the Australian Town and Country Journal on June 26, 1886. The Town and Country Journal was a weekly newspaper out of Sydney New South Wales Australia and was in print from 1870 to 1919. You can see a copy of the original pattern here. I don't know about you but for me, finding this link makes this pattern very real to me. To think that over 130 years ago, there were ladies out there knitting the same exact pattern as me!
I love history and all things that have a story from long ago. I've always wished I could transport myself back to those days. Although, I don't know what I would do without my vacuum and washing machine! ahhhh
Until next time, I wish you all the very best,
PS If you're a knitter and wish to try this pattern, please remember that "make one" means "yarn over" in this pattern.